Embodiment of Tailtiu, Mother Goddess of Lugh- she cleared the land for the first fields to be planted with unwavering devotion, love and connection to the land. Her story is one of endurance and how death creates new life.
Photo by: Fin
An amulet for Lughnasadh- a large and brilliant sun stone with a copper-plated found fox vertebrae.
First harvest bursts upon us under still blue skies -
ripe fruits glistening with their Lammas juices,
amorous tomato reds and clear, sharp basil greens -
seducing tongues, insistently calling us to believe
in everlasting heat and endless nurture.
But the honeyed ones know truth and eschew rest,
winging ceaselessly through days of dwindling
pollen, sipping, sipping, from nectar troves.
Still ever-adding to their amber stores,
they hear the other side of year
whispering in its couplets of cicada song.
On highest branch, red-tailed hawk devours her meal,
life to life, still swallowing as she splits the sky, one
white downy feather gifting earth as she departs.
So, let us celebrate the rising and the fall!
The harvest and the wane! For we are juicy,
we are spare. We live; we die; we live again.
Again. Again. The sweet again.
by Elizabethfc
Straw Plaited Headband by the amazing May Queen Crafts
Goddess Amulets and other pieces to celebrate the turn of the wheel will be offered at a few festivals throughout the rest of the year with the website updating into November.