Goddess Modron, mothering us through the transition- from the season of light and into the darkness that awaits after the Autumn Equinox.
She opens her arms to embrace us in this time of equal day and night.
The last of summer light swallowed up by the shifting darkness.
photo by: Fin
I'll share this bread offering and prayer of sacrifice from Cei Serith’s The Pagan Book of Prayer:
The sacrificial fires of maple trees burn the summer offering, the gray sky accepting the smoke in honor. We place this sacrifice before you, gods of the year. May each death on the point of the cold’s sharp sword be considered an offering on the altar of Earth. May each plant harvested be granted the status of sacrifice. May each loss to the end of the year be an addition to your power, a thread in the pattern woven by you in the secret places.
Meán Fómhair
Amulets of fertility- of possibility: for honoring Modron, a Mother Goddess.
Available next at World Oddities Expo in Baltimore.
-found deer atlas bone, quartz with inclusions, copper
-dendritic quartz, copper
-found fox vertebra, dendritic rose quartz, copper